These days, just about everyone is talking about artificial intelligence (AI): the good, the bad, and the hard-to-believe. The field of radiology is no exception, and Practical Reviews in Radi ...
It is next-to-impossible to scroll
through the database of Practical Reviews: Hospital Medicine without coming
across the name of Sarah Vick, MD. Dr. Vick, a hospitalist at the University of Ke ...
Oakstone CME is excited to celebrate healthcare professionals like you this month! Each week we will be spotlighting one of our own contributors so you can get ...
Oakstone CME is excited to celebrate healthcare professionals like you this month! Each week we will be spotlighting one of our own contributors so you can get ...
Oakstone CME is excited to celebrate healthcare professionals like you this month! Each week we will be spotlighting one of our own contributors so you can get to ...