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  • A wide-ranging, case-based review of clinical essentials and emerging areas in interventional radiology.
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    Nicholas Fidelman, MD, FSIR

    Andrew Taylor, MD, PhD, FSIR

    University of California San Francisco

    A wide-ranging, case-based review of clinical essentials and emerging areas in interventional radiology.

  • Practical aspects and new techniques in imaging technology. Earn CME credits. From NYU.
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    Georgeann McGuinness, MD, FACR

    NYU Grossman School of Medicine

    Practical aspects and new techniques in imaging technology. Earn CME credits. From NYU.

  • Our best value! CMEinfo Insider merges clinical briefs, video lectures, and more.
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    Oakstone CME

    Best value! CMEinfo Insider merges clinical briefs, video lectures, and more.

  • Practical Reviews: Stay informed and earn CME credits.
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    Oakstone CME

    Practical Reviews: Stay informed and earn CME credits.

  • Knowledgeable, experienced faculty discuss state-of-the-art diagnostic imaging techniques.
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    Brett Elicker, MD

    University of California San Francisco

    Knowledgeable, experienced faculty discuss state-of-the-art diagnostic imaging techniques.

  • Single Topic UCSF Radiology Clinical Update
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    Brett M. Elicker, MD

    University of California San Francisco

    Diverse radiology CME credits: Established clinical applications and emerging technologies. From University of California, San Francisco.

  • Overview and breast imaging update with strong focus on multimodality and intervention. From UCSF’s Department of Radiology and Biomedical Imaging.
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    Heather I. Greenwood, MD

    University of California San Francisco

    Overview and breast imaging update with strong focus on multimodality and intervention. From UCSF’s Department of Radiology and Biomedical Imaging.

  • Single Topic Topics in Mammography - 8th Edition
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    R. James Brenner, MD, JD, FACR, FCLM

    Oakstone CME

    Online CME program: Topics in Mammography. New concepts, practical approaches to breast imaging.

  • Single Topic UCSF Emergency and Trauma Imaging
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    Soonmee Cha, MD

    Preethi Raghu, MD

    University of California San Francisco

    Radiologist's role in collaborative patient diagnosis and management.

  • Stay updated on neuroradiology and musculoskeletal imaging with optimized protocols and more. Earn CME credits. From UC San Francisco.
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    Matthew D. Bucknor, MD, MFA

    Yi Li, MD

    University of California San Francisco

    Stay updated on neuroradiology and musculoskeletal imaging with optimized protocols and more. Earn CME credits. From UC San Francisco.

  • Emphasizes clinically relevant topics in chest, abdominal, pelvic, and ob-gyn imaging, with interpretation tips for both routine and emerging applications.
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    Liina Poder, MD

    University of California San Francisco

    Emphasizes clinically relevant topics in chest, abdominal, pelvic, and ob-gyn imaging, with interpretation tips for both routine and emerging applications.

  • Single Topic UCSF Thoracic Imaging
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    Brett M. Elicker, MD

    University of California San Francisco

    Improve thoracic imaging interpretation skills with the UCSF Thoracic Imaging program. Learn from field experts and stay updated on advancements in thoracic radiology.

  • Single Topic UCSF Abdominal and Pelvic Imaging
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    Spencer C. Behr, MD

    University of California San Francisco

    Discover the UCSF Abdominal and Pelvic Imaging program and expand diagnostic imaging skills. Learn from leading radiologists and gain confidence in interpreting imaging studies.

  • Renowned educators provide an overview of "head to toe" vascular testing protocols and interpretive criteria. Ideal for RPVI certification exam prep and IAC Vascular Testing CME requirements.
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    Heather L. Gornik, MD, RVT, RPVI, MSVM

    Aditya Sharma, MBBS, RPVI, FSVM

    Society for Vascular Medicine

    Renowned educators provide an overview of "head to toe" vascular testing protocols and interpretive criteria. Ideal for RPVI certification exam prep and IAC Vascular Testing CME requirements.

  • Single Topic Interventional Radiology and Surgical Management of the Trauma Patient
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    Osman Ahmed, MD

    Jeffrey A. Leef, MD

    Priya Prakash, MD

    Kenneth L. Wilson, MD, FACS

    The University of Chicago Pritzker School of Medicine

    Multidisciplinary trauma CME program: Efficiently manage trauma patients with interventional radiology and trauma surgery partnership. From University of Chicago Pritzker School of Medicine.

  • Single Topic Risk Management for Medical Practitioners
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    Clyde Bergstresser, JD

    David Gould, JD

    Thomas G. Gutheil, MD

    Mark J. Hauser, MD

    James T. Hilliard, JD

    Lawrence E. Lifson, MD

    Harvard Medical School

    Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center

    Updates in liability prevention and protection. Ideal CME for all specialties.