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  • Sharply focused insights on high-risk conditions encountered in emergency medical and trauma care.
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    Carol Chen, MD, MPH

    Jeffrey Tabas, MD

    University of California San Francisco

    Sharply focused insights on high-risk conditions encountered in emergency medical and trauma care.

  • Single Topic Interventional Radiology and Surgical Management of the Trauma Patient
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    Osman Ahmed, MD

    Jeffrey A. Leef, MD

    Priya Prakash, MD

    Kenneth L. Wilson, MD, FACS

    The University of Chicago Pritzker School of Medicine

    Multidisciplinary trauma CME program: Efficiently manage trauma patients with interventional radiology and trauma surgery partnership. From University of Chicago Pritzker School of Medicine.

  • Single Topic Audio Companion for SESAP® 18
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    John A. Weigelt, MD, FACS

    American College of Surgeons

    Enhance surgical knowledge with Audio Companion for SESAP 18. Stay up-to-date on surgical advancements and techniques through this comprehensive audio program.

  • Single Topic Addiction Medicine for Non-Specialists
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    Antoine Douaihy, MD

    Oakstone CME

    A CME program specifically designed to guide non-specialists in the recognition, evaluation, treatment, and follow-up of psychosocially complex patients with substance use disorders.

  • Single Topic Neurology for Non-Neurologists
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    Martin A. Samuels, MD, MACP, FAAN, FANA, FRCP, DSci (hon)

    Oakstone CME

    Manage neurological disorders: A program for non-neurologists. Earn CME credit and MOC points as you learn.

  • Single Topic UCSF Emergency and Trauma Imaging
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    50% Off

    Soonmee Cha, MD

    Preethi Raghu, MD

    University of California San Francisco

    Radiologist's role in collaborative patient diagnosis and management.

  • Single Topic Risk Management for Medical Practitioners
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    Clyde Bergstresser, JD

    David Gould, JD

    Thomas G. Gutheil, MD

    Mark J. Hauser, MD

    James T. Hilliard, JD

    Lawrence E. Lifson, MD

    Harvard Medical School

    Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center

    Updates in liability prevention and protection. Ideal CME for all specialties.