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Celebrating Healthcare Professions - Dr. Montgomery

Posted by Dean Celia

Apr 6th 2022

Oakstone CME is excited to celebrate healthcare professionals like you this month! Each week we will be spotlighting one of our own contributors so you can get to know the people behind the content.

It is next-to-impossible to scroll through the archives of Oakstone CME's pathology education programs without coming across the name of Elizabeth Anne Montgomery, MD. The Professor of Pathology and Vice Chair for Academic Development at the University of Miami Miller School of Medicine in Florida has her fingerprints all over Oakstone’s pathology lecture database – more than 40 lectures in all. Oakstone and the clinicians it serves are better off because of her important contributions.

Elizabeth trained in uniform at Walter Reed Army Medical Center and was at the former Armed Forces Institute of Pathology. Before assuming her current duties at University of Miami, she spent 21 years on faculty at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine.

We recently sat down with Elizabeth to learn a little bit more about her background and personal interests, and asked what advice she would give to up and coming clinicians.

What led you to the medical field, and how long have you been practicing?

When I was younger, I found the medical field fascinating. I jumped in and never looked back. I have been a pathologist for 34 years, since 1988.

Why did you choose pathology?

It was love at first slide -- pun intended! Honestly, I did not know the field of pathology existed, but it was a required class in medical school. I took the class and was soon smitten.

What do you enjoy most about what you do?

I love that I get the chance to learn every day. And it makes me happy to do my best each and every day for our patients.

What’s the one piece of advice you would give a student pursuing your field?

Be in love with what you choose to do and you’ll never work a day in your life. If you don’t love what you do, eventually you will become bitter.

How did you get involved in CME/medical education?

It happened very organically for me. I became involved in teaching residents regularly. Participating in CME programs became a natural extension of what I was already doing.

How do you make earning CME fun/entertaining?

Humor can go a long way, especially in our field. It’s important to make it educational and relevant. If you can add a fun component to it, all the better. We could all use a little humor as we perform tasks our profession requires of us.

What do you enjoy doing outside of work?

I find the arts interesting and entertaining. I also enjoy running, reading, and being a grandmother.

If you had to pick another profession outside of medicine, what would it be?

Given my prior answer, I’d love to work in one of the branches of the arts.

We neglected to ask Elizabeth to tell us something surprising about herself most people do not know. However, an internet search revealed the answer. In an interview with the Florida Society of Pathologists, she exposed this nugget: “I can twinkle my nose and make the dishes wash themselves and make the vacuum cleaner run.”

It took a moment, but we soon got the joke. We were bedazzled by Elizabeth Montgomery’s answer. Bewitched, to be more precise.


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