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Do I Need CME for Radiology?

Posted by Emma James-Wilson

Sep 20th 2022

Do I Need CME for Radiology?

What type of online radiology CME credits meet your annual licensing requirements? Oakstone CME highlights five of its top courses.

All doctors have annual licensing requirements for continuing medical education. Radiologists have additional demands placed on them when it comes to radiology CME credits.

Explore how radiologists are regulated and how Oakstone CME can help you find the best fit for your continuing education needs.

Understand Your Credit Requirements

What sets radiologists apart from other medical doctors is that they are also regulated by the American Board of Radiology (ABR). The ABR has its own Maintenance of Certification (MOC) program that requires radiologists to earn 75 CME credits every three years.

The ABR requires radiologists to earn 25 of those credits from self-assessment CME activities. These generally consist of podium presentations, with post-session assessments, at live events held by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME). These credits can also be earned at ACCME-accredited Category 1 CME provider events. 2022 is the last year radiologists will be asked to complete this self-assessment requirement.

The other 50 credits can come from enduring AMA Category 1 CreditsTM. “Enduring material” is defined as certified CME that is relevant for a specified time period. After 2022, all 75 credits required by the ABR must be earned through these materials.

All Oakstone CME courses fall into the AMA Category 1 CreditsTM. We know that one size does not fit all when it comes to busy medical professionals, so there are many options to choose from regarding your CME requirements.

Find The Right Fit

Oakstone CME provides an experience tailored to you. We can align with your schedule and the way you learn best to help you improve patient outcomes.

We offer multiple professional development options for practicing radiologists. Our CMEinfo Insider and Practical Reviews subscription services provide relevant articles, medical advances, research and trends in your primary specialty plus you have access to up to 21+ other specialties.

Earn CME Credits

Oakstone CME’s learning center features topic-specific courses with the latest research and treatment advancements across 30-plus medical and dental specialties.

Below, we highlight some of our most popular online radiology CME courses for specialists and nonspecialists. For a complete list of radiology courses, visit our CME library.

Topics in Mammography — 8th Edition

The eighth edition of our online comprehensive breast imaging program features case-based topics and literature updates. Speakers help you evaluate new and current imaging techniques. Evidence-based presentation topics include artificial intelligence, supplementary screening, contrast-enhanced mammography and imaging young cancer patients.

Earn up to 32.25 AMA PRA Category 1 CreditsTM with the Topics in Mammography course.

NYU Langone’s Head to Toe Imaging

This intensive CME course reviews essential and cutting-edge imaging techniques in all modalities. The program — presented by a team of imagers and clinicians who are vigilant about safety, quality and economic necessities — focuses on standardized imaging strategies that uphold the indispensable need for clinical decision support.  

Earn up to 37 AMA PRA Category 1 CreditsTM with NYU Langone’s Head to Toe Imaging course.

UCSF Radiology Clinical Update

This clinical update features routine clinical applications of state-of-the-art imaging. The course reviews abdominal, musculoskeletal, neuro, pulmonary and breast imaging. Other focuses include standard interventional procedures, appropriate imaging techniques, accompanying modalities and established protocols.

Earn up to 21.5 AMA PRA Category 1 CreditsTM with the UCSF Radiology Clinical Update.

National Diagnostic Imaging Symposium®

This series of 119 lectures by World Class CME covers multiple radiology subspecialties, including chest, musculoskeletal, breast, gastrointestinal, ultrasound, emergency, genitourinary, neuroradiology, and cardiovascular. The symposium was designed for radiologists in general or specialized care and radiology residents/fellows who want to learn about imaging in a clinical practice setting.

Earn up to 58.5 AMA PRA Category 1 CreditsTM with the National Diagnostic Imaging Symposium®.

UCSF Breast Imaging

This popular CME features expert overview of clinically relevant continuing medical education topics and the latest trends in breast imaging. UCSF lecturers led by Bonnie N. Joe, MD, PhD, FSBI, discuss recent developments, with a strong focus on the use of multimodality imaging and mammography with tomosynthesis, ultrasound and MRI.

Earn up to 20.0 AMA PRA Category 1 CreditsTM with UCSF Breast Imaging.

Continue Your Medical Education

Oakstone CME offers a variety of options for medical professionals who need to meet annual licensing requirements, including those for radiology CME credits. Oakstone’s CME courses will make you a better radiologist, improving patient care and outcomes. Join us to get step closer to achieving your goals.

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