This online CME program presents a broad overview of many areas of surgical pathology designed to update both academic and community pathologists with new advances in the field. Current Concepts in Surgical Pathology provides aids in diagnosis based on conventional morphologic analysis and discusses contemporary applications of immunohistochemical and molecular studies.
This nationally recognized continuing medical education program spans a broad range of surgical pathology areas with 40+ expertly led lectures. Topics include: sinonasal tumors, neoplasms of the liver, cutaneous lymphomas, mucinous tumors of the ovary, perinatal pathology, dermatopathology, testicular neoplasms, follicular thyroid neoplasia, vasculitis, endocervical adenocarcinoma, and more.
PLEASE NOTE: The credit expiration date for this program is February 27, 2025. While you will no longer be able to earn CME credits after that date, you'll have access to the content until February 28, 2027.
Problematic Patterns of In-Situ Breast Carcinoma - Melinda J. Lerwill, MD
Olfactory Neuroblastoma and Other Important Sinonasal Tumors - William C. Faquin, MD, PhD
Extranodal Lymphomas - Judith A. Ferry, MD
Case Presentations: Gastrointestinal Pathology - Angela Shih, MD
Neoplasms of the Liver - Vikram Deshpande, MD, MBBS
Renal Cell Carcinoma: An Update - Kristine Cornejo, MD
Pitfalls in the Diagnosis of Myelodysplastic Syndromes - Robert P. Hasserjian, MD
Indolent and Reactive Mimics of Lymphoma - Judith A. Ferry, MD
Mucinous Tumors of the Ovary - Robert H. Young, MD
Critical Values in Perinatal Pathology - Drucilla J. Roberts, MD
Diffuse Large B-Cell Lymphoma: An Update - Aliyah R. Sohani, MD
Eight Common Reasons for Placental Pathological Examination - Drucilla J. Roberts, MD
Case Presentations: Dermatopathology - Rosalynn M. Nazarian, MD
Update in Diagnostic and Predictive Immunohistochemistry - Ivan A. Chebib, MD
Testicular Neoplasms - Kristine Cornejo, MD
Selected Benign Bladder Lesions - Robert H. Young, MD
Premalignant and Malignant Epithelial Lesions of the Vulva - Jaclyn Watkins, MD, MS
Challenges in Salivary Gland Pathology - William C. Faquin, MD, PhD
Gastrointestinal Polyps - Lawrence R. Zukerberg, MD
Evolving Opportunities in Follicular Thyroid Neoplasia - Peter M. Sadow, MD, PhD
2021 WHO Classification of Lung Tumors - Mari Mino-Kenudson, MD
Case Presentations: Gynecologic Pathology - Jaclyn Watkins, MD, MS
Case Presentations: Gastrointestinal Pathology - 2 - Rory Crotty, MB BCh BAO
Diagnosis of Interstitial Lung Disease: What Clinicians Want to Know - Lida Hariri, MD, PhD
Vasculitis - James R. Stone, MD, PhD
Nipple Lesions - Amy Ly, MD
Fibroepithelial Lesions of the Breast - Melinda J. Lerwill, MD
Autoimmune Liver Disease - Joseph Misdraji, MD
Evaluation of Papillary Breast Lesions - Melinda J. Lerwill, MD
Endocervical Adenocarcinoma: Diagnosis and Subclassification - Esther Oliva, MD
Variant Histology of Urothelial Cancer: Diagnostic Features and Clinical Significance - Chin-Lee Wu, MD, PhD
Case Presentations: Lung Pathology - 1 - Lida Hariri, MD, PhD
Case Presentations: Lung Pathology - 2 - (Yin) Rex Hung, MD, PhD
Neuropathology Frozen Section Interpretation: Problems and Pitfalls - Maria Martinez-Lage, MD
EBV-Associated Lymphoproliferative Disorders - Aliyah R. Sohani, MD
Diagnostic Conundrum of Head & Neck Squamous Mucosal Lesions - Peter M. Sadow, MD, PhD
Pleural and Peritoneal Mesothelioma: Differential Diagnosis - (Yin) Rex Hung, MD, PhD
Problems in the Diagnosis of Uterine Mesenchymal Neoplasms - Esther Oliva, MD
Inflammatory Bowel Disease: Challenges and Controversies - Joseph Misdraji, MD
Pancreatitis and Pancreatic Cancer - Vikram Deshpande, MD, MBBS
Ductal, Intraductal, and Cribriform Carcinoma of Prostate: What Do We Need to Do with Them? - Chin-Lee Wu, MD, PhD
Case Presentations: Gastrointestinal Pathology - 3 - Stuti G. Shroff, MBBS, PhD
Case Presentations: Genitourinary Pathology - Chin-Lee Wu, MD, PhD
Approach to Mistakes, Mix-Ups, and Medico-Legal Messes - Yael K. Heher, MDCM, MPH
Gastritis Beyond H. Pylori - Lawrence R. Zukerberg, MD
Follicular Lymphoma: An Update of a Heterogeneous Neoplasm - Abner Louissaint, Jr., MD, PhD
Germ Cell Tumors of the Ovary - Robert H. Young, MD
Massachusetts General Hospital
Subspecialty Pathologist
Head and Neck Pathology & Cytopathology
Professor of Pathology
Harvard Medical School
Director of Hematopathology
Massachusetts General Hospital
Professor of Pathology
Harvard Medical School
Breast Pathology Service
Massachusetts General Hospital
Associate Pathologist
Massachusetts General Hospital
Assistant Professor of Pathology
Harvard Medical School
Subspecialty Head
Gynecologic Pathology
Massachusetts General Hospital
Emeritus Head
Genitourinary Pathology services
Massachusetts General Hospital
Massachusetts General Hospital
Robert E. Scully Professor of Pathology
Harvard Medical School
Assistant Pathologist
Massachusetts General Hospital
Assistant Professor of Pathology
Harvard Medical School
Assistant Pathologist
Massachusetts General Hospital
Assistant Professor of Pathology
Harvard Medical School
Assistant in Pathology
Massachusetts General Hospital
Instructor in Pathology
Harvard Medical School
Massachusetts General Hospital
Professor of Pathology
Harvard Medical School
Assistant Pathologist
Massachusetts General Hospital
Assistant Professor
Harvard Medical School
Director, Hematopathology Fellowship Program
Massachusetts General Hospital
Professor of Pathology
Harvard Medical School
Director, Quality and Safety
Massachusetts General Hospital
Subspecialty Head, Renal Pathology Service
Massachusetts General Hospital
Associate Pathologist
Massachusetts General Hospital
Assistant Pathologist
Massachusetts General Hospital
Assistant Professor in Pathology
Harvard Medical School
Director of Hematology
Massachusetts General Hospital
Assistant in Pathology
Massachusetts General Hospital
Assistant Professor of Pathology
Harvard Medical School
Assistant Pathologist
Massachusetts General Hospital
Assistant Professor in Pathology
Harvard Medical School
Director, Pulmonary Pathology
Massachusetts General Hospital
Pathologist, Massachusetts General Hospital
Professor of Pathology
Harvard Medical School
Associate Program Director for Anatomic Pathology
Massachusetts General Hospital Pathology Residency
Assistant Pathologist
Massachusetts General Hospital
Assistant Professor of Pathology
Harvard Medical School
Associate Pathologist
Massachusetts General Hospital
Associate Professor of Pathology
Harvard Medical School
Associate Pathologist
Massachusetts General Hospital
Associate Professor of Pathology
Harvard Medical School
Associate Director, Gynecologic Pathology
Massachusetts General Hospital
Pathologist, Massachusetts General Hospital
Professor of Pathology
Harvard Medical School
Subspecialty Head, Obstetric and Perinatal Pathology
Pathologist, Massachusetts General Hospital
Associate Professor of Pathology
Harvard Medical School
Director, Head and Neck Pathology
Massachusetts General Hospital
Associate Professor of Pathology
Harvard Medical School
Assistant in Pathology
Massachusetts General Hospital
Instructor in Pathology
Harvard Medical School
Assistant Pathologist
Anatomic and Molecular Pathology
Massachusetts General Hospital
Assistant Professor of Pathology
Harvard Medical School
Director of Surgical Pathology
Massachusetts General Hospital
Associate Professor of Pathology
Harvard Medical School
Subspecialty Head
Cardiovascular Pathology and Autopsy Service
Massachusetts General Hospital
Associate Pathologist
Massachusetts General Hospital
Associate Professor of Pathology
Harvard Medical School
Assistant in Pathology
Massachusetts General Hospital
Assistant Professor
Harvard Medical School
Director, Urologic Pathology and Urology Research Laboratory
Massachusetts General Hospital
Associate Professor of Pathology
Harvard Medical School
Director of Frozen Section Laboratory
Massachusetts General Hospital
Associate Professor of Pathology
Harvard Medical School
The Harvard Medical School is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME) to provide continuing medical education for physicians.
The Harvard Medical School designates this enduring material for a maximum of 38 AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™. Physicians should claim only the credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity.
This activity is approved for 38 credits of Lifelong Learning (Part II) and Self-Assessment Module (SAM) eligible credits towards the American Board of Pathology's Maintenance of Certification Program.
The Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada recognizes conferences and workshops held outside of Canada that are developed by a university, academy, hospital, specialty society or college as accredited group learning activities.
Through an agreement between the American Medical Association and the European Union of Medical Specialists, physicians may convert AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™ to an equivalent number of European CME Credits® (ECMEC®s). Information on the process of converting AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™ to ECMEC®s can be found at: www.eaccme.eu.
Date of Original Release: February 28, 2022
Termination Date: February 27, 2025 (Please note that AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™ will no longer be issued for the activity after this date)
Estimated Time to Complete the Activity: 38 hours
CME credit is awarded upon successful completion of a course evaluation and post-test.
This course is designed to meet one or more of the following Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education Competencies:
Upon completion of this activity, participants will be able to apply the following:
This activity is designed for specialty physicians who practice in pathology.
Harvard Medical School (HMS) adheres to all ACCME Accreditation Criteria and Policies. All individuals in a position to control the content of this activity have been asked to disclose any relationship they have with ineligible companies whose primary business is producing, selling, re-selling, or distributing healthcare products used by or on patients.
Disclosure information for all individuals in control of the content of the activity is located on the disclosure statement in the PDF and printed syllabus.
CME activities accredited by Harvard Medical School are offered solely for educational purposes and do not constitute any form of certification of competency. Practitioners should always consult additional sources of information and exercise their best professional judgment before making clinical decisions of any kind.
Provider: Harvard Medical School and Massachusetts General Hospital
Course Directors:
William C. Faquin, MD, PhD
Massachusetts General Hospital
Harvard Medical School
Judith A. Ferry, MD
Massachusetts General Hospital
Harvard Medical School
Melinda J. Lerwill, MD
Massachusetts General Hospital
Harvard Medical School
Robert H. Young, MD
Massachusetts General Hospital
Harvard Medical School
Credits: Earn a maximum of 38 AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™